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About Us

Jim Gibbon Jolene Ali Gummy Nutrition Lab Edmonton Alberta Canada
Welcome to Gummy Nutrition Lab, where our passion for health meets the art of flavour.


Founded by a duo of innovation and experience, we are Jolene Ali and Jim Gibbon, two entrepreneurs rooted deeply in Canadian manufacturing and business. Our journey is not just about creating products; it’s about crafting experiences that bring joy and well-being to your everyday life.

Jolene Ali is a food scientist, and the brain behind our deliciously effective gummies. She's debunking the myth that healthy can't be tasty. With every formula she develops, Jolene ensures that honesty in functionality doesn't just mean effective supplements but also an experience that delights the taste buds. Her expertise is creating amazing tastes and embedding generational design into our products.

Jim Gibbon, an experienced entrepreneur and former brewery owner, and brings a wealth of knowledge in turning visions into reality. Jim's journey from brewing to nutrition is fueled by a belief in operational transparency and growth-orientated teamwork. Jim's entrepreneurial spirit is the cornerstone of our brand, inspiring us to think big and act with integrity.

Together, we founded Gummy Nutrition Lab on honesty, innovation, and transparency. Our commitment to these values is evident in every gummy we produce. We believe in making the benefits of our products clear and accessible, ensuring that what you see is what you get. We aim to delight our customers with the entire Gummy Nutrition Lab experience. From the moment you visit our website to the instant you enjoy our gummies, we're dedicated to bringing a smile to your face.

Our journey is fueled by a belief in the power of teamwork, not just within our plant but with our community of customers and supporters. As we grow, we are committed to Canadian manufacturing and business, ensuring that we contribute to our economy and society.

At Gummy Nutrition Lab, we are passionate about health, taste, and most importantly, our customers. Join us on this delightful journey of taste and wellness. Let's redefine what it means to live a healthy, happy life.

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